Agreed: 23rd May 2017
The name of the group will be the Dunster & Porlock Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The purposes of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) will be to:
- contribute to appropriate practice decision making and to be consulted on relevant service development and provision;
- provide feedback and interpretation from patients and to challenge the Practice constructively when necessary;
- identify gaps or problems in services provided by the Practice
- serve as a source of information for dealing with trends in patient complaints about services provided by the Practice, whilst also helping patients to understand the Practice’s viewpoint;
- assist the Practice and its patients in setting up focus groups to address issues within the community as agreed by the PPG;
- help the Practice to communicate information effectively to patients;
- give patients a voice in the development of local healthcare services;
- promote good health by supporting health promotion activities within the Practice;
- liaise and share experiences with other PPGs
The core membership will be a maximum of 12 patient representatives who
are registered at the Practice. Initially this will be with proportionate numbers
from each of the previous practice lists of Dunster/Porlockl/Brendon Hills surgeries, based on the number of patients from each area.
As the PPG develops it may consider expanding its membership to include further patients, and a Virtual PPG will be established in due course.
Consideration should be given for new members to be selected in order to reflect the specific demographics of the practice population. Acknowledging the largely rural geography, the aim should always be to have representation from as many different areas of the practice catchment as possible.
The Chair of the PPG should be one of the patient representatives and should be selected by the group at its first formal meeting by a majority vote.
The Chair should be rotated every 12 months unless the vote is in support of a Chair continuing for a further 12 months.
Members may choose to leave the PPG at any time but it is expected each individual’s term of office to be between 3 to 4 years.
Meetings will be held approximately every 3 months unless there is a majority in favour of changing the meeting frequency or a need for a meeting to deal with a specific issue.
An Agenda will be produced in advance of each meeting.
Meetings will aim to be no more than 1 hour in duration.
The conduct of meetings will be as follows;
- meetings will not serve as a forum for individual complaints or issues
- members will not use the meeting to voice personal grievances or issues they have with the Practice
- communication will be open and honest and allow challenge between all members
- all views will be listened to and respected
- patient confidentiality to be observed at all times
- actions identified will be allocated to named individuals with an expected time limit for completion
5. Decisions
Decisions made by the PPG will constitute recommendations to the Dunster & Porlock Surgery Partnership and will not be binding on them to comply. If any recommendation is not supported by the Partnership this will be explained to the PPG.