In 2024 the way you collect your repeat prescriptions from Porlock Pharmacy will be changing. Porlock Pharmacy are working hard to ensure they remain regulatory compliant and viable to provide a pharmacy service for many years to come.
We are jointly asking that repeat medication requests are ordered 10 days in advance of the date your repeat prescription is required. You can do this in many ways:
1. By placing your repeat medication slip (white or green), with the items ticked, in the post box at the practice
2. By completing one of the repeat medication request slips available at reception
3. By using the NHS App or other online platform, such as patient access.
4. By emailing or using the form Admin Query – Repeat prescription (
5. Asking your pharmacy if they are able to request your repeat medication on your behalf.
If anyone has any concerns about using an alternative method of requesting your medication please call 01643 821244 or 01643 862575 and speak to a member of staff.