Complaints Process
If you wish to make a complaint please find information about the process here: NHS Complaints process.
Friends and Family Test
To download our most recent FFT survey results please click here.
Patient participation group
The Dunster and Porlock Surgeries’ Patient Participation Group (PPG) was reformed in May 2017 with new and former patient members from each of the two surgeries (and from the former Brendon Hills practice). At any one time we expect to have 12 members broadly representative of the geographical spread of the patient population.
A list of the current members will be displayed in each surgery and included in the PPG part of the surgeries’ website.
The PPG plays an important role in helping to shape the services and facilities available at the combined practice.
The PPG is independent of the surgery but works closely with the Practice Managers and GPs to help Dunster and Porlock Surgeries build an understanding of the patient's perspective.
We meet quarterly and the date of our next meeting can be found under the Minutes tab of the PPG section of the website.
We are always keen to hear your views on any aspect of your experience at Dunster and Porlock.
There is a Suggestion Box in the surgery for patients to give feedback and submit ideas, and all comments are shared with the PPG.
You can also provide the PPG directly with feedback and ideas to help us improve our local services via the ‘Contacts’ tab above.
A quarterly newsletter is distributed in paper form with prescriptions. An electronic version will be distributed via email to patients who have provided their email addresses to the practice. If you receive a newsletter via email and decide you no longer wish to do so, please inform the surgery.